One of our favorite ways to showcase a property is with our High End Video Tours. Intimate and immersive, we highlight the space, flow and unique features of a property that is bound to get your audience’s attention. Let us help you set your marketing apart from the thousands of agents in the area with our professional video services.

We offer all different kinds of house tours giving you the option to choose which kind it best suits your needs! We also offer house tours that a shot vertically, specifilly for Social Media uses. Details in the kind of hour tour videos we offer can be found below as well as quite a few examples!

Core Listing Videos

Highlight Video Tour (1 Minute): This video is meant to quickly highlight the main interior and exteriors of a listing. These consist of mostly wide shots that show the spaces as a whole. Aerial footage is included! These are meant to take as little as an hour to shoot and are available for properties 5,000 sq ft and under. 

Cinematic Video Tour (1-2 Minutes): This video is meant to go a bit more in depth and creative than a highlight video. Still consisting of mostly wide shots, we’ll also start to introduce tighter shots to break down and single out key selling features, details, and spaces. With 1-2 minutes, we’ll be able to cover most all parts of the property. Aerial footage also included!

Luxury Video Tour ( 2-3 Minutes): These videos are our flagship service for us and what Flylisted in known for! They’re captivating, creative & a complete property overview. Your listing will not only stand out but these videos will for sure elevate your brand. We also love to add some lifestyle to these, whether that be full agent intro and tour to simply a car pulling in the garage! If you have ideas or inspiration, let us know and we’ll make it happen!

Social Media Listing Videos:

Social Media Cellphone Video: To be shot in no longer than 30 minutes and is meant to capture the attention of those quick scrollers on social media! It can be 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds. This vertical video service is perfect for optimizing your social media marketing! We film vertically with a cell phone for social media so no post cropping is needed to fill the viewers screan. Types of videos include: "Single Shot" Walkthrough (Speed Ramped), Quick Cut Highlight Montage, Behind the Scenes, Highlighting a certain functionality, etc. We can choose for you! 

Social Media Premium Video: For those looking for that high end walkthrough video thats delivered in vertical format for social media! 45-60 Second Highlight Video filmed vertically with a pro camera. Includes drone!



Featured Service: Cinematic Video

Featured Service: Luxury Video

Featured Service: Luxury Video

Featured Service: Luxury Video

Featured Service: Luxury Video

Featured Service: Luxury Bundle + Agent Intro

















Featured Service: Realtor Elite

Our residential real estate videos are designed to let each home shine in all its glory. Over 85% of home buyers start searching for a home online, yet a small fraction of them attends Open House events. Why? Convenience. With a Home Tour or the more edgy, creative Sizzle Reel, potential buyers have access to the most convenient option besides an open house, available 24/7. They are more realistic and can increase showings for qualified, serious buyers.  

Our videos are designed for sharing on social media and personal websites. As Zillow Certified Photographers, we upload these walkthrough videos onto for you, included in our Photo and Video Bundles. Consistent uploads give your listing a one-week boost, increasing online views by as much as 500%. Watch as these videos get shared and viewed by people all over. Most importantly, we incorporate your branding with a call to action so that they know who to come to when it comes to finding their dream home.   



If you haven’t already, please send our pre-shoot checklist to your sellers, or read it if you will be doing the staging/cleaning yourself. Please have the house photo ready. Pretty please?

Every home is unique. Due to this simple fact, we do not use a template approach to creating home tours. You can be as hands-on or off as you want with us in this process. We know what we’re doing and can make an incredible showcase video without direction. If there are specific needs you or your sellers have, these have to be addressed pre-shoot. Are there areas you’d like for us to focus on? Are there specific features you want to be showcased that we may miss without being told? Do you care if the video is fast-paced, or do you want it to be slow and steady? These are just examples. The best place to tell us is in the “additional comments” section while booking a video package or by emailing us at after booking a video package. If there are specific things you want in your video and we are not told about them before filming or before we leave, we can do a reshoot, but there will be a charge for it.


Music also tends to be quite a tricky part of the process. It is quite subjective! If you have a specific genre, artist, or even song you’d like for us to use in the video, this should ideally be spoken about even before we film. We have a music license on Please browse for options on this music library site that may fit your taste if you are particular about music. If you trust our judgement, we will pick a fitting song for the style of home we’re shooting. A modern home gets modern, edgier music. A contemporary home gets more contemporary music. If Flylisted chooses the song, it WILL NOT be changed after we start editing the video. The pace and cuts to our videos are heavily based on the song. We do not create our pricing based on having to choose a new song after editing has already begun. If you aren’t familiar with editing, it may be much more work than you imagine.


By default, we use beginning and end “slides.” The beginning slide usually shows your agency’s logo and the address of the home. The end slide shows your picture (optional) along with your agency’s logo, address, and contact info. In the end, it is completely up to you. Some of our clients have no intro slide and just their logo and website at the end. We need to get your branding (headshot, agency logo, contact information you want, house information if any) from you preferably before we shoot, but definitely the day of shooting.


Video turnaround time can vary, but generally is between 1-4 days. Unless we are creating a custom video for you, we will send a draft that will be allowed a few small tweaks (for example:“take the clip of the toilet out” “I think that one clip of the living room is a little dark, can you brighten it up?” “The shot of the living room has the sellers personal pictures in them and they said they didn’t want that in there, can we replace that clip”) but nothing major. If there is more than 1 hour of revisions after the first draft, we will start charging at $50/hr for editing. Included in our bundles is a branded and unbranded version, but will only send the branded version by default. Please request if you’d like both branded and unbranded.

Custom videos and bulk video packages can be discussed by request via email. For higher-end homes, we have introduced the lifestyle element before by bringing on talent to act as a couple or family in the home for sale. Creative lifestyle videos could better “paint the picture” for buyers viewing online and have increased the online buzz and ultimately interest in viewing the property. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss something like this or similar for a home going on the market. 


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